The Leaders' Retreat
October 23-26, 2008

This year, the annual Laity Lodge Leaders' Retreat will focus on the theme of:

“The High Calling of our Daily Work –
Integrating Faith into All Aspects
of our Lives”

It's not just pastors and priests who are called into ministry. Every single Christian is called by God into his ministry. And ministry doesn't happen only in church buildings. It's what we do for the Lord in every facet of our lives, including our workplaces, homes, charitable organizations, and so on.

Through engaging biblical teaching and compelling personal stories, we will consider how we can be leaders who serve the Lord in all we do.

How to Register for the Retreat

You can register for the retreat by mailing the form below with a $100 deposit. If you have any questions, please call or email Ann Jack, our registrar (830-792-1230,

Name(s) ________________________________________

Street __________________________________________

City _________________ State _______ Zip ____________

Daytime Phone ___________________________________

Email Address ____________________________________

Roommate Preference ______________________________

Lodging: Lodge __________    or Black Bluff ___________
               $390                                   $465

Method of Payment: Check ______     Visa/MC _______

Card # ________________________ Exp. Date _________

Signature _______________________________________

Mail to:
  Ann Jack
  Laity Lodge
  P.O. Box 290670
  Kerrville, TX 78029-0670

Resource People for
the Retreat

Bible Teacher

Rev. Dr. Earl Palmer

Senior Pastor of University Presbyterian Church in Seattle, Washington, and a longtime friend of Laity Lodge, Earl will be our daily Bible teacher for the retreat. In the words of Howard Butt Jr., Earl is “intellectually exciting, emotionally satisfying, spiritually enlightening, and biblically strengthening.” Earl will be focusing on Paul's letter to the Philippians, with the theme: Advice We Want to Hear: St. Paul, the Friend of Those Who Want to Serve as Leaders.

Practical Witnesses

Phil Green

Phil is the CFO of Frost Bank, San Antonio, Texas. He'll talk about how he lives out his faith in the world of banking.

Stacey Toomey

Stacey is a homemaker and volunteer from Austin, Texas. She'll talk about the high calling of home life and activism.

Daniel Gerard Rouzier

Daniel is an author, business executive, and community leader from Haiti. He'll talk about what it means to live out his faith in a country with many challenges and opportunities.

Music and the Arts

Kurt Kaiser

Kurt is an award-winning musician with a wide range of abilities and achievements. He lives and works in Waco, Texas.

Michael Davis

Michael is a professional violinist and concertmaster of the Louisville Orchestra, Louisville, Kentucky.

Olga Samples Davis

Olga is a professor, poet, and writer from San Antonio, Texas. She'll be leading a creative writing and poetry workshop.

The Laity Lodge Team . . .

Tim Blanks
Director of

Ann Jack
Registrar and
Church Liaison

Steven Purcell

Mark Roberts
Senior Director
and Scholar-in-Residence

Connie Taylor
Administrative Coordinator



 P. O. Box 290670, Kerrville, TX 78029-0670                   Phone: 830-792-1230                      Fax: 830-792-1237